Today was our COVID team’s 100th day of testing!

Our testing centre is open Monday’s and Friday’s. A considerable amount of work goes into our COVID testing system, from ordering the tests, to carrying out the COVID tests, inputting the tests on to the government’s website, administering the results and sending out to team members, booking couriers and so on. It requires a lot of background work that others may not necessarily realise, and work around the clock, including weekends.

We are extremely grateful for the effort each and every one of our testing team members have put in!

Top row from the left we have: Linda, Michelle, Andrew, Jo and Hazel

Bottom row from the left we have: Magda, Sophia, Jess and Ellie

Unfortunately, we are missing key members today, including Chrissie, Amy, Donna, Sandra & Greg.

A special thank you to you all!