Our curriculum and learning pathways

At Condover College, we want our students to build self-esteem, develop key skills and live as fulfilling lives as possible. That’s why we tailor our curriculum to meet individual needs and aspirations through ‘Preparation for Adulthood’.


A key part of our curriculum is the development of everyday functional skills that students can use in their day-to-day lives.

Our curriculum includes a broad range of learning activities in College and in the local community including: work experience placements, therapies, qualifications, accreditation, awards, enrichment, support for emotional welling and behaviour management.

Our curriculum is centred around ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ by developing communication, personal, social and independence skills, enabling our students to become more confident in making choices and interacting with others. It’s important that students have the chance to practice these skills in real-life situations, so many of our educational sessions take place in the community. Here, students learn a variety of skills, such as handling money in shops or cafés, travelling to different locations or learning the Green Cross Code.

All students also have the opportunity to gain skills from work experience. We work hard to match students with placements that complement their interests. In recent years, students have secured placements at libraries, hair salons, stables, fire stations and National Trust properties.


The main function of our curriculum is to develop our students’ confidence, communication and interpersonal skills, according to their needs. However, some students may take externally recognised qualifications such as OCR’s Life and Living Skills (entry levels 1 and 2), accreditation through the English Speaking Board and the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Pathways and Individual Learning Programmes

When a student first joins us, we work with them and their family to assess individual needs and identify aspirations for the future. We then tailor an individual learning programme from our broad curriculum, so that all their learning builds towards those aspirations.

Our students individual learning programmes are focused on one of the two pathways we offer.

The Design for Living Pathway: For students whose main aspirations are to live as independently as possibly, through the development of their communication, personal and social interaction and daily living skills. Some students have a strong sensory focus to their programme to match the way they learn and experience the world.

The Employability Pathway: For students whose main aspirations include getting into voluntary or paid work, as well as developing greater independent living skills. For those who succeed on this pathway there is an option to undertake a supported internship in the final year.

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance 

We aim for all our students to achieve their career and life aspirations by providing early careers development and support that is tailored to each students ’ special educational needs. 

We want students to explore and be aware of the full range of options available to them and be supported to make informed choices. Our students are given a range of opportunities to form positive relationships with people in the wider community, including employers so they can demonstrate their skills and attributes as capable and proactive citizens. Our tailored and flexible approach for our students, prepares them for a transition into adulthood where they can live their best life!