Condover College Ltd Win Awards at Two Prestigious National Social Care Awards

Condover College (CCL) celebrated a fantastic week as the organisation won awards at two significant national awards in Social Care - Stars of Social Care Awards, an annual event for the Home care and Care home sector in London and at the National Learning Disabilities & Autism Awards in Birmingham. CCL were thrilled to have [...]

2024-07-11T15:38:09+01:00July 11th, 2024|

Grafton Sharing Day

Sharing Day is a highly anticipated event for all students at Grafton. They take great pride in their achievements, and it's heartwarming to witness the mutual support and congratulations among the students. Students enjoy reuniting with family and friends and showcasing their accomplishments to their loved ones. It truly is a fantastic afternoon. Tracy, our [...]

2024-06-06T09:51:55+01:00June 6th, 2024|

Condover College celebrate achieving an OUTSTANDING Ofsted grade

Condover College, a specialist further education college in Shrewsbury has received an outstanding Grade 1 from Ofsted in their recent Inspection. The report published on the Thursday 21st March 2024, highlighted the excellent experience that its students receive. Ofsted described the college as a place where “Students flourish in the respectful, open and supportive culture [...]

2024-05-16T12:09:33+01:00March 22nd, 2024|

Grafton Sharing Day

The 9th of February was a big day at the Grafton Centre, it was' Sharing Day’, where students showcased what they had achieved so far with their friends and families. The air was alive with anticipation and excitement! Tracy, our Director of Education, hosted the occasion, and each Tutor group took turns to deliver their presentation. [...]

2024-03-05T10:34:19+00:00March 5th, 2024|

To celebrate Apprenticeship Week we caught up with Beth and Ellie

Beth’s role has continued to develop, Beth now arranges and schedules all staff training for CCL and has been heavily involved in the training and implementation of the new digital Access system for the organisation. Beth’s confidence has grown within her role she recently jointly presented training sessions at the Annual Conference, another string to [...]

2024-02-09T12:09:05+00:00February 9th, 2024|

CCL’s new Activity Centre has Planning Permission

We are pleased and excited to have been granted planning permission to build a new Activity Centre for our Day Opportunities Programme. Over several years, CCL have been trying to identify a potential property or land to develop our Opportunities Programme Facilities. With the support of Berry’s Property Consultancy, we are extremely pleased and excited [...]

2024-01-18T15:58:44+00:00January 18th, 2024|

Celebrating CCL’s Success at the GBCA Regional Finals 2023!

Saturday 4th November was a night of excitement and celebration for CCL in Birmingham. CCL had finalists at the Regional GBCA Awards for the following categories: The Recruitment Team – The Three R’s, Condover College (CCL) – The Care Employer of the Year, Kirsty Power – The Care Home Registered Manager Award, Hall Bank – [...]

2023-11-17T08:56:02+00:00November 17th, 2023|

Employee Referral Scheme – Jayne and Mark’s Story

Jayne  “I first heard about the refer a friend from the in-house posters and the Facebook advertisements. When my partner Mark first moved to Shrewsbury and needed a job, with his knowledge of care work I thought this would be perfect for him. When he applied for the job it was easy for him to [...]

2023-06-16T15:03:51+01:00June 16th, 2023|

CCL learners are presented with their British Gymnastics Trampolining Certificates from The Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire

Our learners had a visit from a very special guest this week whilst at their weekly TSTC Disability Trampolining session. The Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire, Anna Turner, presented the learners with their trampolining Certificates of Achievements and British Gymnastics Proficiency Awards 1 and 2. She spent the morning interacting and engaging with the learners during their [...]

2023-06-14T09:35:35+01:00June 14th, 2023|

The Employee Referral Scheme – One of the many benefits of working for CCL

Mike an employee of CCL had this to say about this fabulous benefit: “It was so easy. I was aware we had a job vacancy coming up, for a senior physiotherapist, and I knew someone who I thought would be good fit for the job. I simply told my friend a little about the role [...]

2023-05-25T10:14:29+01:00May 25th, 2023|
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